Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dedicated to Frank!

Thanks for 3 great year! I love you!

Still to come!

Since I have been away from Blogging for almost a month now I have a lot to post.. But at this minute I have to run because I have thinks that need to be done. But don't worry..I still have pictures to post of Christmas at the Check's and still some new bath pictures of Lana so stay tune!

I think I have seen enough!

As you walked in to Uncle George's house the day after Christmas, it was one ugly site. Everyone wearing a sweater or shirt that was ugly for one and way to big or way to small and still thinking they were the shit....These fun day that we think are so funny is what make us the Hartman's, not a shy one in the bunch.

Christmas Dinner at Mimi and Pop's House

After a fun but crazy morning we all took naps and then headed to Mimi's house. It was such a great time and the kids were to fun!

Santa Came to the Check's

Friday, December 5, 2008


Watch out ladies, look who made the cookies this year!

Happy Turkey Day!

This was Lana's 2nd Turkey Day, but she would only say shoe for the camera!

Who doesn't love a big Turkey!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008

Look Who's 1!

Travis didn't think that turning 1 was enough, so he decided to walk on his big day! Great Job Travis. We love you.

Presents, Presents and More Presents

By the end of opening presents Travis had how many cars?