Tuesday, September 30, 2008


While I was out with the girls, Lana spent the night watching the game with her daddy!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Girls Night Out

This weekend the girls headed to AC for Megan's big night out. We started at dinner and then on to the bars. It was a great time.

Doesn't she look cute!

Sexy Sexy

The night begins!

What a group!

Who's that guy?

The Maid of Honor.
Another bride to be

Look who got on stage!

What number drink is that?

Dancing Queen

Lana loves to Brush her teeth

Lana's PJ Pants!

Gram's big day!

We just want to wish Gram and extra special Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoyed your day..

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Look how little they were!

A Little Update!

Ok, so I haven't had a Lana update in a long time so here we go. Lana is good, she had a little bit of a cold the last week but she is still happy. Because Aunt Jill is home now Lana gets to spend more time with her two favorite cousins. When Lana sees Jorja she starts to dance because Jorja is so funny and when Lana sees Travis she loves to give him a big hug. So this is my Lana update sorry no pictures, I have been a little busy.

Beside that I would like to say that you people better start updating your blogs more often. I get a little bored at work sometimes but now I am really bored with nothing updated. Get on it people...Tara this is definitly for you!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ocean City Night Life

After a great afternoon in AC we headed to Ocean City for some crazy rides. Lana was so much fun and enjoyed the rides. Thanks for a great time!

I think Lana has had enough!

Saturday at Ac!

Saturday morning Frank,Lana and I headed down to AC to spend the day with the Check's. It was so much fun. Due to the closing of the beaches we heading to the pool. We had a wonderful time. Then we hit the showers!

Wear your College Colors

Last Friday was wear your college colors. So, Lana wanted to do a quick shout out to Amiee and David. Go Kutztown!